The goat pen is *almost* completely fenced, and it looks really great. We will build the shelter later, but for now the goats will have dog igloos to sleep in. Kaden & Kiran don't know yet that this dogloo wasn't bought specifically for their enjoyment.
I planted a tomatillo, a new zucchini (ours had been eaten), a delicata squash and lots of onions. Then I went through and scratched in blood meal around most of the plants, to give them a nitrogen boost. I'm not sure if I did it right, but I kind of dug a line around each plant, sprinkled in some blood meal, and then covered it with soil. I then watered everything really well.
The next day I sprayed everything top to bottom with fish emulsion. Mmmmm... yum yum.
I also got most of the soaker hoses laid out and connected. I am going to bend some wire and secure them where I want them, and then will mulch over the top. Hopefully this makes it easier to keep the vegetables watered while we are gone.
The kids have been picking the ripening strawberries and raspberries like crazy. None of them are fully ripe, but we are enjoying them nonetheless. There are a million bazillion blueberries on our bushes... I am bummed that we will miss their prime picking time, but hopefully they won't be done before we get home.
And the most wonderful news to report, we will have super knowledgeable friends taking care of our house and animals and plants while we are gone!! Some friends of ours are selling their house and have a 3 week gap in between closing and the new place being happens to coincide EXACTLY with the dates we will be gone. We are so happy to know that the fruits of our labor will not be going to waste, and that the goats and chickens will have farm-loving people caring for them...PLUS that it is also helping our friends out as well... I love the way the universe works!! :)